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Preserve muscle gains:

For optimal recovery.

Support muscle maintenance, focusing on preserving muscle after workout.

Prevent muscle loss, maintain your hard-earned gains effectively. 

Reduces post workout soreness

Improves muscle quality from core techniques to maximize the effectiveness of your workouts and prevent post workout soreness.

Prevents Muscle Loss

Formulated to protect and maintain muscle gain throughout the day.

Maximizes Recovery

Provides advanced level of care for your muscles even when you are not actively exercising.

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No Harmful Ingredients




Muscle Retention Cream. Our formula prevent muscle loss, and minimizes post-workout soreness.

Apply the muscle retention cream generously all over your body after exercising or showering. Please apply up to 3-4 times a day.

For muscle soreness, applying an extra layer directly to affected areas can provide relief and speed up recovery.


I can tell right away after using it that my muscles are recovering fast enough to workout the next day. I Will continue to use it everyday!

– Two Time Olympic Champion

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